It is with regret that I find myself having to write this disclaimer however in order to protect my name I am left with no choice. And I feel disappointed that some of you are serving Police Officers SHAME ON YOU!!!
Disclaimer & statement:
Unfortunately due to a former girlfriend’s offensive & hate filled campaign over a number of years (mainly due to CSA assessments), several unfounded articles about me have appeared on the internet including on Face Book and various other websites in order to try to discredit me and my abilities. I can provide evidence from West Yorkshire Police, the Security Industry Authority (SIA) and the National Press; that confirms the contents of those articles are completely unfounded, false and without warranted truth. I have also been freely interviewed by the National Press whom have not published or will publish any of those articles as they know them to be false and untrue.
To add to the campaign several large groups of what can only be called” internet trolls” have joined in with this frenzied on-line attack. West Yorkshire Police can confirm that two separate written warnings under the Prevention of Harassment Act 1997 have been issued in person (Dec 2012 & January 2013, one against my former girlfriend) in connection with those articles in my favour. A further warning letter from my solicitor was issued to another party warning them of their actions were unlawful. I have also been questioned (of my own free will and not while under arrest) by West Yorkshire Police in regard to those articles and no action has been taken or will be taken against me in the future by them. I can also confirm that I served with the British Army for two short successful periods in the early 1980s and left with a clean service record. Also the MOD and Civilian Police have not brought or going to bring any action against me under the Army Act of 1955, as I have not committed any offences under that act .Furthermore I have never been questioned, charged, appeared in front of any Court or found guilty or imprisoned for any act of violence whatsoever towards any individual partially my ex girlfriend.
Official documentation has fraudulently been copied from the internet and amended in order to bolster up the false allegations. Several photographs appear of me wearing military uniforms with headings next to them which are whole-heartedly untrue. As I was a director in several military surplus supply companies those photographs had been used for publicity purposes in the past with the sole aim of selling military surplus goods. Those photographs have also been fraudulently amended some missing the words “for illustration only”.
All of my qualifications mentioned within this document can be confirmed as being authentic by the issuing body and I give permission freely for you to confirm those qualifications however they are protected under the Data Protection Act 1998 and are not for general public use or viewing. I also retain all of the original certificates and document of any qualifications I have achieved. I also retain plentiful references from previous employers and customers along with over two thousands authentic and original photographs of my training courses and services I have provided in the past. To date I have not received one single letter of complaint from any of my former customers regarding the training courses and services I have provided in the past.
Should you require absolute proof of the contents of the disclaimer, please email me at the email address shown in this document. I will be happy to provide you with the Police Officers etc, details and of the name/s of the person/s who started this campaign along with all the evidence that proves my complete innocence. However in that event you must formerly apply in writing to me for those details and the reason why you wish to view them as certain aspect of the evidence/confirmation are/is protected under current UK Data Protection Act 1998 Laws. You may only keep that information for as long is absolutely necessary. I can only wish you draw your own conclusions once you have completely researched all the facts.
Tony Cumper 29th of January 2013
Disclaimer & statement:
Unfortunately due to a former girlfriend’s offensive & hate filled campaign over a number of years (mainly due to CSA assessments), several unfounded articles about me have appeared on the internet including on Face Book and various other websites in order to try to discredit me and my abilities. I can provide evidence from West Yorkshire Police, the Security Industry Authority (SIA) and the National Press; that confirms the contents of those articles are completely unfounded, false and without warranted truth. I have also been freely interviewed by the National Press whom have not published or will publish any of those articles as they know them to be false and untrue.
To add to the campaign several large groups of what can only be called” internet trolls” have joined in with this frenzied on-line attack. West Yorkshire Police can confirm that two separate written warnings under the Prevention of Harassment Act 1997 have been issued in person (Dec 2012 & January 2013, one against my former girlfriend) in connection with those articles in my favour. A further warning letter from my solicitor was issued to another party warning them of their actions were unlawful. I have also been questioned (of my own free will and not while under arrest) by West Yorkshire Police in regard to those articles and no action has been taken or will be taken against me in the future by them. I can also confirm that I served with the British Army for two short successful periods in the early 1980s and left with a clean service record. Also the MOD and Civilian Police have not brought or going to bring any action against me under the Army Act of 1955, as I have not committed any offences under that act .Furthermore I have never been questioned, charged, appeared in front of any Court or found guilty or imprisoned for any act of violence whatsoever towards any individual partially my ex girlfriend.
Official documentation has fraudulently been copied from the internet and amended in order to bolster up the false allegations. Several photographs appear of me wearing military uniforms with headings next to them which are whole-heartedly untrue. As I was a director in several military surplus supply companies those photographs had been used for publicity purposes in the past with the sole aim of selling military surplus goods. Those photographs have also been fraudulently amended some missing the words “for illustration only”.
All of my qualifications mentioned within this document can be confirmed as being authentic by the issuing body and I give permission freely for you to confirm those qualifications however they are protected under the Data Protection Act 1998 and are not for general public use or viewing. I also retain all of the original certificates and document of any qualifications I have achieved. I also retain plentiful references from previous employers and customers along with over two thousands authentic and original photographs of my training courses and services I have provided in the past. To date I have not received one single letter of complaint from any of my former customers regarding the training courses and services I have provided in the past.
Should you require absolute proof of the contents of the disclaimer, please email me at the email address shown in this document. I will be happy to provide you with the Police Officers etc, details and of the name/s of the person/s who started this campaign along with all the evidence that proves my complete innocence. However in that event you must formerly apply in writing to me for those details and the reason why you wish to view them as certain aspect of the evidence/confirmation are/is protected under current UK Data Protection Act 1998 Laws. You may only keep that information for as long is absolutely necessary. I can only wish you draw your own conclusions once you have completely researched all the facts.
Tony Cumper 29th of January 2013